Thursday, 10 December 2009

Pixel Clear

If your Having problems with your plasma or LCD Tv ie dark shading grey marks or even inbeded images on your screen then this simple dvd will solve your problems it a very simple method but by far the most effective and also the cheapist method I no all dvds are sent out with instructions and are very easy to follow


  1. You got a contact number please

  2. Good Morning I am having problems with my TV,
    I can not seem to get a picture,
    I have sound, If i shine a light on the screen I can see the picture, please contact on 07753833843

  3. Hi do you fix led screens cab you contact me on 07480146403

  4. Hi. I've got a 50" 3D smart tv. It has now got a dark bar all the way across the middle of the screen from left to right' about 8" wide.
    Any idea if it can be fixed please ?

  5. Hiya
    My TV won't turn on.. I think it's the on/off button
    Can you repair it?

  6. Hi, I believe I have a backlight problem with my daughters tv, its a 40" Sharp Aqous, screen is black but there is sound, how much would i be looking at fir the repair?
